OES WA Calendar

Monday, January 6, 2014

Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House

Thank you to everyone who is collecting pop tabs for our Ronald McDonald Houses.  We really do appreciate your efforts. 

Are you saving all tabs? We can only recycle aluminum tabs not plastic or steel tabs, as in some juice or nutritional supplement cans. Unfortunately, if the tab sticks to a magnet, we cannot use it. Please check your tabs from soup and other cans – some are aluminum and can be used; others are steel and cannot.  Please run a magnet over your tabs before you turn them in.

We may not have the big trailer at Grand Chapter to collect the tabs this year, so we are suggesting that you take your tabs to your local aluminum recycler and send the money you collect to Grand Chapter, or contact one of our Chairmen - John Chamberlain or Dennis Okicich for assistance. 

Thank you again for your support of this very important project!

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