OES WA Calendar

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Grand Representative of Kansas

Good Morning All:
It's 1:23 AM Friday (January 22nd) morning. We just walked in the door, home from Walla Walla where at Alki Chapter I had the privilege of giving the commission of Grand Representative of Kansas to Beulah Marr. Beulah is a wonderful, energetic 96 year young member. She is presently Associate Matron at Alki Chapter. (As a side note, she was Worthy Matron for the first time at age 89.) I told the members I came for the evening not as Linda, but as Glenda the good Witch, sent from OZ to find Dorothy. I journeyed around the room to find Dorothy, all the while leaving a trail of "yellow bricks", I spotted the Tin Man, the Lion, and the Scarecrow all cleverly disguised as chapter members, but could not find Dorothy. Finally I traveled the "bricks" back a ways and found that To-Do had some of my important papers. When I opened them, I realized my problem--I was not looking for Dorothy, but I was looking for Beulah Marr and that she didn't need to go to OZ, but that she needed to know about her commission. She was extremely thrilled and started talking about needing to go to Kansas! We had a very lovely time!
Star Love,
Linda Runyan AGM

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