OES WA Calendar

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Grand Representative

Last night at the OV for Mount Baker and Cyrene Chapters I took everyone on a trip to Georgia. After informing them that there were many interesting facts about the state and some strange laws, I asked the assistance of the Mt. Baker members. They were given facts about Georgia to read aloud and in between each fact I read one of the strange laws - like: donkeys are not allowed in bathtubs, and in Atlanta it's illegal to tie your giraffe to a street sign or light pole.

When I gave the organist her slip to read, she couldn't do it - so I read if for her: "Joyce Dillard is the new Grand Representative of Georgia in Washington"! The news was greeted with cheers and applause as I escorted her to the East and formally introduced her. She received balloons and peaches and lots of hugs. After the meeting she was still stunned!

There were three past Grand Representatives of Georgia present - Retha Baird, Pat Dean and Gerry Ellen Sleeth. It was a wonderful evening and everyone is very pleased for Joyce.

Stephanie Hoye
Grand Conductress

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