OES WA Calendar

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Update on June Lee - Sunday

This was forwarded to us by Diane Osborne.

Not a good morning here. The had June off all meds this morning and awake to try to remove the ventilator tubes. She was ready and wanting them out. The Dr. told me there was a 1 in 15 chance that she might have to be put back on if she couldn't handle it. I went to the lobby while they did this. They called a Code Blue and it was June. She is still bleeding in her lungs from the dissolving clot and she couldn't handle it. They had to reinsert the tube and needed a bunch of help. They have put her back under deep sedation and have the ventilator working on keeping suction going to remove the blood and to help her breath. The nurse told me this happens often and they will try again in a couple of days. It is most discouraging but she is alive.


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