OES WA Calendar

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The answer to Clue #2

The stars are coming out in the evening sky. Dick, Elaine, Harold and I traveled to Henry Wentworth Chapter this evening to put a name to the second Star in our grand family.

The chapter room was filled to the brim with only one or two seats available for latecomers. “CarnJack” and his groups of helpers were again in prime form trying to give the question and the proper answer. It appears that “CarnJack” will need much more practice at this. When they could not find “either” of the persons they were seeking, finally Brother Dick and I relented and had WM MARY HELEN JOHNSON and WP Calvin Russell stand so that we could introduce next years GRAND ADAH and her escort. Mary Helen is appointed out of both Henry Wentworth and Martha Washington Chapters and both chapters were there in full force for the announcement.
Also,in attendance were two Past Grand Matrons, Ann Gates and Joanne Clark (who is also a Past Grand Adah) and Past Grand Patrons, Brian Gross and Paul Runyan; two Grand Officers, Marcia Haukaas and Christine Ford (present Grand Adah), three Grand Representatives, two DI's, along with three WM's and 5 WP's. There were a total of six Past Grand Adahs present, Lorie Morgan, Alice Ashley, Gen Cooly, Joanne Clark, Elaine Weigel, and myself.
I want to thank all those who came and showed their support. There was excitement and fun in the air and it was a meeting of good work and real fun. Keep watching for the next clue!

Linda Runyan, AGM

WooHoo! What a great pick! Congratulations Angel Mary Helen!!!!!!
Photos courtesy of Marcia Haukaas

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