OES WA Calendar

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New Grand Representative

It was my pleasure tonight (Jan 24th) to travel to Amethyst Chapter in West Seattle to present the Grand Representative to Massachusetts commission to sister Sandra Monk.  She was shocked and honored! I think there may have been some 'happy tears'.
I started off by giving facts about the state that I was there to present.  First was describing the state flag.
Prior to the meeting, I had handed out 7 scrolls to the 5 Star Points, the Conductress and WP.  I travelled to each Star point, asked them to read their 
scroll with various facts about this State.  I walked over to Sandra, sitting at Conductress and asked her to read her scroll, not quite then....  
I proceeded up to the East and asked the WP to read his scroll.  WP Richard Moulden (and Grand Organist) proudly and loudly read the "Hear ye, Hear Ye" scroll announcing Sandra, on this date, time and place to be the New Grand Representative to Massachusetts!  Sandra is Conductress of Amethyst Chapter, so I had a former Grand Representative to Massachusetts (Dianna Kaspar) escort her to the East.  She was then pinned, presented with the Official Certificate and packet from Massachusetts.  All happy moments and smiles around the room!  Sandra has all the scrolls too, for her scrapbook.  Happy and safe travels!
There were 9 former Grand Representatives and 3 current Grand Representatives present.  
Since Sandra was a Blue Bird Deputy Instructor, there were 2 Blue Birds present for her - all bustin' their buttons over her.
This was indeed a special night, one for the memory books!
Paula Sonker, Grand Marshal 

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