OES WA Calendar

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dinners and Mergers and Martha Club and Receptions - Oh, My!

Sunday, February 12 - King County Line Officers Friendship Dinner
It was beck to the 40's and WWII as everyone gathered for a delicious meatloaf dinner and auction at Alki Masonic Center in West Seattle.  What a great time we had and the costumes and decorations were first rate!

CLICK HERE for pictures from Rodger Collins!

Thursday, February 16 - Merger - Everett into Alderwood
The Chapter was full as Everett Chapter merged with Alderwood Chapter.  The members of Everett Chapter formed a circle around the altar with the members of Alderwood in a circle around them.  The Grand Officers formed a circle with golden chains around them.  Upon direction from the Worthy Grand Matron, the members of Everett Chapter moved back into the circle with Alderwood and they became one Chapter.  It was a beautiful and moving ceremony and we wish the newly merged Chapter the best to come in the future.

CLICK HERE for pictures from Rodger Collins!

Saturday, February 17 - Martha Club Luncheon
The Martha Club had a luncheon to honor Grand Martha Jeannette Carroll at the Ballard Masonic Center.  A delicious meal was served and the proceeds of the luncheon will be used to for New Beginnings - a charity that helps support victims of domestic violence.  The luncheon was a well deserved honor for a wonderful sister.

CLICK HERE for pictures from Rodger!

Saturday, February 17 - Reception for Grand Conductress
Pigs were flying all over the Edmonds Masonic Center as Analia Chapter held a great celebration for Grand Conductress Stephanie Hoye.  Laughter was the theme of the day and there was lots of it along with about 300 members and friends.  We had the pleasure of listening to Bill Davis roast Grand Escort Don Etchison.  Wonderful responses were given by the WGM, WGP, Brian Gross - PGP and GGCCM, Beverly Haave - PGM, Tom Schenewerk - PGP and the mystery speaker Grand Adah Cindy Schneider.  Afterwards there were delicious refreshments - sandwiches and salads prepared by the Portrait Grand Family and served by the Starlight Grand Family, and cupcakes and cookies prepared by the members of Analia Chapter.  It was a wonderful day and the Grand Conductress is very grateful for everyone who helped and who took the time to attend.

CLICK HERE for pictures from Rodger Collins! 
CLICK HERE for pictures from Stephanie!
More pictures later!

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