OES WA Calendar

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New Grand Representative

I am happy to announce the appointment of LINDA MOCK, from Greenwood Chapter, as the new Grand Representative of Virginia in Washington.

I went to Greenwood tonight (for the second time to try and make this presentation) and when the Worthy Matron called on me during Good of the Order I walked around the chapter room with a plethora of words that rhyme with "Mock" - I walked around the "block", checked the "clock", commented on someone's pretty "frock", saw a hole in the A.P.'s "sock", etc. and then said "this probably won't come as a "shock" but the Grand Rep appointment for Virginia goes to LINDA MOCK!! as I approached her station of Electa.  She WAS shocked!

So it was a good surprise and she received a great ovation from her Chapter members and sideliners.

Gayle Dunston
Grand Organist

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