OES WA Calendar

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Reminder: King County Official Visits

Tonight is the OV for Amethyst/Crown Chapters at Alki Masonic, West Seattle.

Friday is the OV at Juanita Chapter. Come experience their Winter Wonderland. Dinner by donation at 6pm. Christmas/Holiday dress.

Next Wednesday is the OV for Occidental/Greenwood at Seattle Scottish Rite. Meeting at 7:30.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Key City OV

Tuesday, November 7th was the Official Visit to Key City Chapter in Port Townsend.  Marcia Wootan was selected as Mentor and presented a pin by Worthy Grand Matron Jean.

Click here for Photos

Grand Treasurer Reception Photos

The Grand Treasurer Reception was held Saturday, November 4th at Alki Chapter in Walla Walla.  For those who went home on Sunday, it was a snowy trip.  Snoqualmie Pass closed for several hours so we chose to take White Pass.

Click here for photos

North Central Allstars Brunch Sunday October 29th

The Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron received the traditional vests at the North Central Allstars Brunch.

Click here for Photos

Grand Esther Reception Photos

To see pictures from the Grand Esther Reception click  Photos .

If you wonder why some photos show arms waving around, they are doing YMCA.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Alderwood Dinner

Alderwood Chapter #185
Home Run Dinner for Dollars

Thursday, December 21, 2017 6:00 pm
No chapter meeting / casual or holiday dress Invite your family & friends!

Everett Scottish Rite
2431 Rucker Avenue
Everett, WA
Proceeds support our Autism service project C. H. I. L. D.
(Children’s Institute for Learning Differences)

Tickets:  $15.00 each / ages 12 & under $7.50
(Make checks out to “Alderwood Chapter #185”)
Chapter members have tickets
No Tickets sold at the Door

Mail your payment/reservation to:
Sharon Gray, Secretary
8422 14th Place SE
Lake Stevens, WA  98258

Pork Tenderloin
Scalloped Potatoes
String Beans
Applesauce Dessert

Monday, October 16, 2017

New Grand Representative

Saturday, October 14th at the Grand Martha reception, I was honored to present the commission of Grand Representative of Texas in Washington to Dorothy Lockett, of Southgate Chapter, in Burien.
At the end of the introduction of the Grand Representatives, I told the Worthy Matron that I thought we had a reluctant Grand Representative who had not stood up for introduction.  I instructed the Conductress to go about the room and find the reluctant Grand Representative and have them stand for introduction. When she got to where Dorothy was seated, she asked her to stand and I asked everyone to greet the new Grand Representative of Texas in Washington.
There was a loud and happy applause by all in the room. Homer Lockett, was as proud as could be - and almost lost the buttons from his jacket he was so happy for his wife. 
Tess Kent, Grand Martha

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Place to Be

Grand Martha Reception at Alki Masonic Center, 4736 - 40th AVE SW, Seattle
Reception starts at 1:30 PM.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Grand Representative

Tonight(October 9th) at Beulah Chapter in Richland, I announced that Priscilla Canon Schwab is the new Grand Representative to Australia. Present were: one grand officer, two grand representatives, and 6 past grand representatives.
Cathy Hinze, Grand Esther

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

New Grand Representative

On Monday, October 2, 2017, I had the pleasure and honor of announcing a Grand Representative Appointment.
            I chose a few not very helpful clues as to the jurisdiction of this commission, I did not want everyone to correctly guess immediately, however after the 4th or 5th clue the Chapter unanimously yelled out "Montana". 
            Brother Wally Foulkes was escorted to the East, presented with his pin and commission as the Grand Representative of Montana in Washington.  Brother Wally knows the state well since it takes him two days every year to go through it.  The Chapter was very pleased for Brother Wally.  Pictures were taken after the meeting with the current and former Grand Representatives present:  Sisters Irene Jacobs, Gini Dryer Dow, Nancy Shine, Eloise Boyer, Patricia DeMuth, Donna Kirby, Karen Karnes, Donna Benson and Deanna Johnson,
            Brother Wally is listed in the current Blue Book under Faith Chapter as Associate Patron.   
            Congratulations, Wally
Patricia DeMuth, Grand Adah

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Place to Be

Faith Chapter in Parkland on Monday, October 2nd.  The meeting starts at 7:30 PM

Friday, September 29, 2017

Place to Be

Beulah Chapter in Richland on Monday, October 9th, meeting starts at 7:30 PM.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

New Grand Representative

Tuesday, September 19th, I had the opportunity to attend Greenwood's meeting for the purpose of appointment of a Grand Representative.
It took some thinking - but I decided to create a word search puzzle for everyone to play - keeping in mind that I didn't want it to take foreverrrrr.
So I created two - one for everyone attending which had the appointee's name and jurisdiction kind of hidden in it, and one for the appointee that had her name and the jurisdiction in the puzzle in RED.
The puzzle had all the Grand Officers listed and then the puzzlers had to figure out where the other clues were at in the puzzle. So my handy assistant, Vanna (Chuck Kent) took one side of the room and passed out puzzles, I took the other side. I made very sure to 'miss' Adah when I began handing out the puzzles and telling everyone to keep them face down....watch out for those Worthy Patrons though...they can be a bit sneaky and try to peek.
When I 'thought' I'd handed out all the puzzles, I explained how the puzzle worked ...that all the grand officers were in it ... but that there were two clues in the puzzle that would tell them which member of Greenwood would be the Star of the evening.
Oh, and then I was reminded that I hadn't given one to Adah. So I gave her the special puzzle and told everyone to turn over their puzzles and begin. I think it took 30 seconds or so before Helen Van Allen recognized that her name was on the sheet. She was startled and said "I never thought it would happen for me", laughing.
We then escorted her to the east, presented her with her pin and commission as the Grand Representative of South Dakota in Washington. Pictures afterward of the Grand Representatives present: Cathy Cook (NM), Linda Mock (VA), Sandra Monk (MA), and Donna Severn (OR). As well as 3 past GR of South Dakota (Willie Halprin, Mary Beth Short, and Chuck Kent) and about 10 or so others.
Thank you to the Worthy Grand Matron for this fun honor to bring joy to someone else!
Tess Kent, Grand Martha 2017-18

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Place to Be

Greenwood Chapter on Tuesday, September 19th, meeting starts at 7:30 PM.  It’s Hawaiian attire night.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Memorial Service for PGP Chuck King

Dear Friends and Family of Charles N King,
            There is a memorial service for Chuck King on Saturday, Sept 23, 2017 at 4 p.m. at the Belmor Park Golf & Country Club Clubhouse. The Belmor Park & Country Club is located on the south side behind The Commons at Federal Way shopping mall. The address is: 2101 S. 324th St, Federal Way, WA 98033
•           Take I-5 to the S. 320th Exit #143 and turn west.
•           Go 2 blocks, turn left on 23rd Ave S. and stay on 23rd Ave S.
•           The road will curve to the right and the street becomes S. 324th St.
•           The entrance to Belmor Park is immediately on your left.
•           Tell the gate guard you are there for a memorial service.

•           The clubhouse is straight ahead; turn right just after the guard house into the parking lot.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Prayers needed

Please keep Sam Roberts, Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of WA in your thoughts and prayers. He had a heart attack last week and had 2 stents put in. He is home now but will have to go back for more surgery.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Place to be

The place to be:  Naomi/Faith OV on Tuesday, August 29.

See you there!

Patricia Demuth
Grand Adah

Time Change for Martha Washington OV

Please note that the time has been changed for the Official Visit at Martha Washington Chapter.  Dinner will be served at 5:00 p.m., and the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m.

Thank you.
Jean Ballard, WGM

Breaking News

Please note that the reception honoring the station of Associate Grand Matron and JoDee Desrosier currently scheduled for September 23, 2017, has been cancelled so that those who wish to attend the memorial for PGP Chuck King will be able to do so.

There will be an honor night for Sister JoDee on November 1, 2017, at 7:30 in conjunction with the Official Visit o Okanogan and Silver Star Chapters.

Thank you.
Jean Ballard
Worthy Grand Matron

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pacific OV - 2017

Here are some pictures from the OV at Pacific Chapter.  Looks like it was lots of fun.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Dream Camp 2017

Had a great time at Rainbow Dream Camp 2017 and a wonderful turnout of Grand Officers.

OV Welcome and Belfair

The room was full of Saturday, August 12, for the Official Visit with Welcome and Belfair Chapters.  Two fun suits added to the enjoyment of the day.  Mentors were Vicki Voorhees for Welcome Chapter and Gloria Schwartz Belfair Chapter.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Mt. Baker OV

The Dancing Lights Grand Family had another wonderful time at the OV of Mt. Baker Chapter in Mt. Vernon.  The Mentor award went to Laurel Jacobs!  Congratulations all on a great night.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Instructionf for cutting coupons!

Hi All,

Below are the instructions for cutting coupons for our troops.  I would like to track the $ amount of coupons we, as an organization, are sending to Support Our Troops.  Please report to Dee Johnson of Vida Chapter the $ amount each time you send a package of coupons.  Thank you! 

Jean Ballard, WGM

Troopons® -- Bagging Instructions --

The commissaries have requested that Troopons be bagged and delivered to them as follows.

1. Cut out the coupons. 2. Sort coupons into two piles by status: a. Expired.  Not expired more than 2 months. (e.g. if today’s date is 3/1/2013, you would cut out coupons with an expiration date that is not older than 1/1/2013.  b. Unexpired.  At least two months of life left.  3. Sort each of those two piles into four piles by type: a. Food items b. Non-food items c. Baby food/items d. Pet items (like dog food) 4. Stuff them into plastic baggies.  5. Write the status (Expired or Unexpired) and the type (food, non-food, baby, or  pet) on them. 6. Total the retail savings of the baggies and write it on them.  This helps us track the value of the overall program. 7. Mail them to SOT as follows: 

Support Our Troops®  P.O. Box 70 Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070

Only "Manufacturer's Coupons" can be used. They can be from the newspaper, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere as long as they state "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them. No assistance vouchers. No food stamps. No store coupons. No restaurant coupons. No Internet coupons. 

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our military troops and their families!  

Happy clipping!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

First OV at Stanwood

The chapter room was packed for the first OV of Worthy Grand Matron Jean Ballard with Worthy Grand Patron Al Cramer at Stanwood Chapter.  The OV was held at the Everett Scottish Rite and it's a good thing because there was plenty of room for everyone.  Great job Worthy Matron Janice Dorsey and congratulations to Jennie Kelly for being awarded as the first Mentor, WGM Jean's recognition program for the year.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Square and Compass Jamboree

Our WGM Jean and WGP Al had a great time at the Square and Compass Jamboree.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

First OV update

With high heat expected on Saturday, and apparently with no air conditioning in the Hall (there will be several fans to blow the air around and the doors to the outside will be open once we have completed formal opening), please feel free to wear something very lightweight and comfortable.  Ladies, you do not need to wear hose.  Gentlemen, you do not need to wear jackets.

See you Saturday!


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sad News: Our Golden Chain has again been broken. Brother Chuck King, PGP, passed away on July 15th, surround by his family. Brother Chuck moved to Colorado Springs a number of years ago to be near his sons. A celebration of life will be held in the Seattle area sometime in the future. Brother Chuck served as WGP in 1977-78 with Sister Catherine Mace.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Memorial service for Andy Haapala, PGP, will be Sunday, July 30th at 2:00 p.m.

Fox Island Alliance Church
655 - 6 th Avenue Fi
Fox Island , WA. 98333


(if not acquainted with Fox Island might want to check Map Quest for directions .)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sad News: We have lost another link in our Washington OES golden chain. Brother Andy Haapala, PGP 1976-77, passed away yesterday, July 10th. Services are pending. Cards may be sent to the family c/o address in the Blue Book.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Another Project for WGM Jean and WGP Al

Terry Cramer is chairing our chemo caps program. 

Terry has yarn which she will be bringing to our Official Visits.  You may use yarn she provides, or provide your own.  The yarn should be soft, fragrance free, and pet hair free. 

The websites listed below have instructions on how to make chemo caps.  Please choose whichever pattern you would like to make.
It has been requested that we make different size caps (not just for babies), and that we remember to make caps for both girls and boys.

We would also like to include in this project our members who are no longer able to attend meetings.  If you know of such a member, please choose some yarn from Terry and print a few of these cap instructions for them.  

Thank you in advance for your work on this project.  I know those who receive this gift of love are greatly appreciative of our efforts.

Jean Ballard,
Worthy Grand Matron

One of this year's projects!

Pill Bottle Donations

Sharon Spudich of Poulsbo Chapter is chairing this committee for us.  All pill bottles must be cleaned per the instructions below before she will accept them.  Any Grand Officer will be happy to gather your pill bottles and get them to Sharon.

Ministries accepts donations of empty plastic pill bottles for inclusion in shipments of medical supplies. Acceptable collection items include:
                  §  Prescription and over-the-counter pill bottles
§  Large and small pill bottles
§  Pill Bottles with and without secure caps (child resistant)

Pill bottles that are not appropriate to include with shipments of medical supplies are recycled for cash that goes towards Matthew 25: Ministries’ programs. If you wish to prepare bottles for shipment rather than recycling, please adhere to the following guidelines:

§  Bottles included in shipments of medical supplies must have an all plastic lid.
§  Sort bottles by color and type.
§  Remove labels, leaving no glue or residue.
§  Wash bottles in very hot water and dish soap.
§  Rinse and dry thoroughly. 
§  Replace lids on clean, dried bottles.
§  Place clean, recapped bottles in large ziplock bags marked “Clean Bottles.” These will be blended with medical supplies.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in this service project.

Jean Ballard,
Worthy Grand Matron

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Worthy Grand Matron Jean's Installation Address

          Everything I’ve learned, I’ve learned from my family, my friends, my years as a Rainbow Girl, and now as a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.  I know I have a lot more to learn, and I do mean a LOT more to learn, but I wanted to share with you just a few of the things I’ve learned so far: 

          I’ve learned that a smile is the best way to greet everyone – it makes both you and the person you’re greeting feel welcome. 

          I’ve learned that a hug is the perfect way to let someone know you care.  Our watchword this year is HUGS! which stands for Hope, Unity, Grace and Service. 

          This year, our charities are two-fold.  The monies earned will go to support our own Grand Chapter General Fund.  Service is important to Brother Al and I, and so we also have hands-on service projects:  we’re going to make chemo caps for cancer patients; we’re going to save our eyeglasses for the Lions’ Club to help others see better; we’re going to save our prescription bottles for Doctors Without Borders; and we’re going to clip coupons for our military.  These are all simple, easy things for all of us to do in order to serve others. 

          I’ve learned that a kind word will touch your own heart as well as the heart of those you are sharing with.  Never let a kind word go unspoken.  The person you’re speaking with may need those kind words more than you know. 

          I’ve learned that dreams really do come true.  Our motto this year is “When we believe in our dreams, they can carry us to the stars.” 

          I’ve learned that we really can soar to new heights.  One of our goals this year is not just to increase our membership, but also to mentor our new members.  Several chapters already have mentorship programs, and we would like to encourage all chapters to have a mentorship program to help our new members feel welcome and wanted, to help them learn our signs and passes (it took me an entire year to learn Electa’s pass – I used to want to say, “Forever the Rainbow” and for crying out loud, we never even said that in Rainbow!), and to teach them the traditions of our chapters.  It has been said that we are all angels with just one wing, and we can only fly by helping others.  So, become a mentor, help our new members to fly, and they in turn will help our beautiful Order soar! 

          I’ve learned that in an ordinary day, there are a thousand miracles and blessings galore.  My Bible verse this year is John 1:16: “From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another.”  Every day is an opportunity to see the miracles around us and to feel the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. 

I’ve even learned a few things from fireflies:  

Believe in magic and life will be more fun.
Delight in simple things.
Take time to celebrate life.
And let your light shine.

          So, climb aboard our Eastern Star hot air balloon!  Soon you’ll be on your way up, you’ll be seeing great sights, you’ll join the high fliers, who soar to high heights.  Enjoy the ride as the light of our Eastern Star balloon takes us up, up and away; and join with us on this great adventure as we Soar to New Heights! 

          In closing, remember, success is not just what you achieve in your life, it’s what you encourage others to do!

Jean Ballard, Worthy Grand Matron, 2017-18

Friday, June 30, 2017


The following announcements were made during the introduction of Grand Representatives at Grand Chapter Installation on Wednesday, June 28th in Yakima
·         Aril Baldwin, Grand Chaplain presented the Grand Representative of Utah commission to Dixie Miller, Adelphi Chapter.  She is listed in the current Blue Book as Chaplain.
·         Jean Ballard, WGM presented the Grand Representative of Nevada commission to Jane Anderson, Victory Chapter.  She is listed in the current Blue Book as Secretary
·         Jean Ballard, WGM presented the Grand Representative of Bolivia commission to Barbara Grobler, Reliance Chapter.  She is listed as escort to PGP John Grobler in the current Blue Book.

·         Jean Ballard, WGM presented the Grand Representative of Puerto Rico commission to Janice Dorsey, Stanwood Chapter. She is listed in the current Blue Book as AM.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Two New Grand Representatives

Margie Williams from Fern Chapter is the new Grand Representative of Maryland in Washington
Don Daly, Grand Warder

Tonight (June 20th) I had the privilege of presenting the Grand Representative of Ohio to Marjorie Knox of Guiding Star Chapter.
There were 18 former Grand Representatives and 1 current representative present.
The chapter was very pleased as well as Marjorie.

Al Cramer AGP

Flight Instructor Deputy Instructors 2017-2018

Kathy Seville—Malden Chapter   Eastside Chairman
Mary Beth Short—Juanita Chapter   Westside Chairman

Blair Thisted—Maple Leaf Chapter
Jeannette Goodman-Lindsay—Cyrene Chapter

Barb Ulrich—Lakeside Chapter
Michael Riley—Southgate Chapter
Gene Budbill—Greenwood Chapter
Judy Smith—Occidental Chapter

Don Severn—Afton Chapter
Val Morgan—Alderwood Chapter

Mary Ellen Sparks—Naomi Chapter
Bev Haave—Faith Chapter
Teresa Savage—Tacoma Chapter

Nancy Beebe—Lackamas Chapter
Jeannette Miller—Centralia Chapter

North Central:
Norm Day--Astral Chapter

Olympic Peninsula:
Becky Schell—Belfair Chapter
Judy Scott—Esther Chapter

Belinda Sweetin—Evergreen Chapter
Susan Seagraves—Syringa Chapter
Randy Kromm—Waitsburg Chapter

Inland Empire:
Kim Davis—Victory Chapter
Sharon Richardson—Spokane Chapter

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Places to Be

Guiding Star Chapter in Sumner on Tuesday, June 20th -- meeting starts at 7:30 PM

Fern Chapter in Tacoma on Tuesday, June 20th -- meeting starts at 7:30 PM
Advanced registration for Grand Chapter ends tomorrow, Friday, June 16th.  A link to both the mail in form (pdf) and online form are available on the Grand Chapter of Washington Home page until midnight June 16th.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

New Grand Representative

On June 13, 2017, I had the pleasure to present the Grand Representative commission of Wisconsin to Dee Johnson, WM at Vida Chapter in Tacoma. We played a game where 9 members were given envelopes and then were asked to form a line in the East. They were given one minute to open their envelope, look at the letter inside and spell the appropriate word. They failed the time frame but eventually got the word W-I-S-C-O-N-S-I-N. Since they couldn’t do it in a minute, I told them none of them was the new Grand Representative gave them each a cheese stick. They were allowed to be seated while I gave a few fun facts about Wisconsin. I than asked the WM if she would help me with the announcement. Imagine her surprise when I presented her with a bag of cheese and crowned her “Princess Cheesehead” with a cheese tiara and then pinned her and presented her with her certificate. Congratulations to Dee.

Irene G. Jacobs
Grand Secretary