OES WA Calendar

Thursday, May 31, 2012

2012 - May 29 GR HN Amelia Coffman

We had a great time celebrating the Constitution State of Connecticut and Grand Representative Amelia Coffman at Guiding Star Chapter.  They had a delicious dinner for a donation ahead of the meeting that raised almost $300 for hospice and the addenda with the "judge" and his fellows was very amusing. It was a wonderful evening for a great lady.

CLICK HERE for pictures!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More FUN Day information!

This is to let you know that the attire for Fun Day, June 2nd, is casual.  This function is from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat. 
If you are coming to work on Friday, there will be a dinner put on by the Masons.  They are providing, and cooking the meat and we are all to bring a side dish, if we are partaking of this meal.  There will also be a can for contributions, this money will be donated to Eastern Star, also.
Please support this as a lot of work has gone into it, will go into and be appreciated by all if you are there.  This is a chance to get some nice items to wear, and etc. for a small cost.
Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact Gen Cooley.

Grand Chapter Fun Day

OES friends, hope to see lots of you this Saturday at the Olympia Masonic Center in Tumwater for our annual Grand Chapter Fun Day. There will be food, games, sale items, food, friends and lots of fun as we raise money to support our Grand Chapter. Come toss a sponge at a Grand Officer or find something new to wear and eat some delicious food. 

Saturday, June 2nd from 9 to 4! 

I'll be there! Will you?

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Beatrice 'Bea' Long-Bodette, Grand Treasurer Emeritus, passed away on Friday, May 25, 2012 of complications from pneumonia and heart failure.  Her memorial service will be Friday, June 8, 2012 at First Baptist Church, 428 W Cota St, Shelton @ 2:00 PM.  There will be a viewing at Mills & Mills Funeral Home and Memorial Park, 5725 Littlerock Rd SW, Tumwater at 9:00 AM and graveside service at 12:30 PM.
OES Memorial will be at Trinity Chapter's meeting on Monday, June 11, 2012.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thank you!

“Thank you” - inadequate words to express the gratitude we feel for all of the love and support we received over the past several months of mom’s illness and her passing. People who don’t belong to an organization such as ours have no idea what a HUGE network of friends we have, and how much they help in times of need. 

Mom loved and appreciated the many, many cards she received (especially the humorous ones) and they lifted her spirits when she was feeling down. I know that the mailmen at our houses have gotten a workout from the large number of cards they have delivered recently! Thank you to all who came to the service on May 17th – we wanted to honor this special lady in a way that would make her proud, and we feel that we accomplished that. Having you there helped to add to the celebration of her life, as you were a VERY large part of her life.

It will be difficult for us to go to meetings, receptions, and Grand Chapter without thinking about mom – she loved going and being with the members. But we have great memories of her and those memories will bring us comfort when we need them most.

You are wonderful Sisters and Brothers and we are grateful to you for all you have done for us.

In OES Love and Friendship,
Gerry Mosler, Associate Grand Matron
Terry Mosler, Worthy Patron, Occidental Chapter
Jamie Mosler, Worthy Matron, Occidental Chapter
Kate Kalmbach, Associate Matron, Occidental Chapter

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grand Worthy Advisor's Reception

We had a great time at the reception for Becky LeMastus - Grand Worthy Advisor of Rainbow in Idaho and Washington. 

CLICK HERE for pictures!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Deadline for Meal Registration at Grand Chapter

The deadline for registering for meals at Grand Chapter is June 1st, so make sure you get your forms in right away.  Darlene Wiggins says a lot of you are procrastinating this year and she really needs to get the information into the Sundome and Clarion.  Hope to see lots of you at the breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  All breakfasts are at the Clarion, but this year - the rest of the meals will be at the Sundome.  That means lots less travel back and forth, so be sure to take advantage of it.

Deadline for meals - JUNE 1ST!!!!!!!


May 11, 2012 Snohomish County PM & PP Luncheon
CLICK HERE for pictures

May 12, 2012  NW Line Officers
CLICK HERE for pictures

May 16, 2012  Grand Warder 2012-13 Announcement & New DI
CLICK HERE for pictures

May 17, 2012 New DI
CLICK HERE for pictures

May 18, 2012 Grand Representative Honor Night
CLICK HERE for pictures

May 19, 2012 Central WA Instruction
CLICK HERE for pictures

May 20, 2012 SW WA Association Dinner
CLICK HERE for pictures

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Please join the 2012 ‘Precious Moments’ Grand Choir!
Wonderful music is planned for the Grand Chapter session in Yakima,
June 25, 26, 27, 2012, at the Sundome.
Choir Practice will be Monday, June 25th at 8 a.m. upstairs Sundome dining room.
I want to have enough music book available for everyone.
Please send me your name & voice classification:
Sarah Jane Johnson
Grand Choir Director
PO Box 609
Davenport WA 99122
Or call

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Catching up on pictures

Sorry, to be so far behind!  Here are some pictures from some events that haven't been posted yet.

April 18 - DI Honor Night for Charlene Trent Lewis, Kirkland
CLICK HERE for pictures!

May 11 - Snohomish County Past Matrons and Past Patrons Luncheon
CLICK HERE for pictures!

May 12 - Northwest PAGO Luncheon
CLICK HERE for pictures!

May 12 - Analia Chapter Spring Tea!  (One of my favorites!)
CLICK HERE for pictures!

May 12 - Northwest Line Officers Banquet
CLICK HERE for pictures!

May 15 - DI Honor Night for Denice Tewalt - Cyrene Chapter
AKA:  Mardi Gras invades Sedro Woolley!
CLICK HERE for pictures!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Grand Chaplain and Grand Warder for 2012-13

The announcements are continuing! 

New Grand Chaplain:
At Martha Chapter last night there was a nice crowd to see who the newest member of the grand family will be. WM Elaine and WP Dick Weigel had a nice meeting and under Good of the Order AGM Gerry and AGP Bob, with their assistants Gilligan (Terry) and Marianne (Nancy) escorted Tom Henson and Marilyn Schahfer to the east. AGP Bob introduced Tom Henson as Grand Chaplain. Those in attendance included 4 PGM's (June Lee, Marjoe Richards, Diane Osborne, and Linda Runyan), 2 PGP's (J. Paul Fitzsimmons and Dick Weigel), 6 Past Grand Chaplains (Carla Bolenus, Clayton Sparks, Diane Osborne, Connie Shrum, Harold Hill and John Chamberlain) and Jim Iversen, current Grand Chaplain.

New Grand Warder:
Last night at Guiding Star Chapter Bob and I were pleased to announce Sister Terry Cramer as our Grand Warder. Terry's escort next year will be her husband Al. There was a very nice turnout to see who was getting the appointment, including 2 PGM's (Gerry Shafer and Bev Haave) and 4 PGP's (Gary Craig, Bill Hammontree, Terry Wiggins, and Dennis Okicich). There were 5 Past Grand Warders there - Doris Tibbitts, Kay Woodward, Donna Miles, Darlene Wiggins and Donna Lind. There were also 2 of our other Grand Officers there - Louann Yager, Gr. Electa and Nancy Jorgensen, Gr. Esther.
CLICK HERE for more pictures.
We will give you a break for a little while and pick up announcements again soon, so please stay tuned.
Lighthouse Hugs to all,
Gerry Mosler

Friday, May 11, 2012

WGM Gloria's Cruise

WGM Gloria has an Alaskan Cruise

There are a few staterooms left
and we don't know what to do. 
She would love to have you join her, it would be so nice,
so come and cruise with her to the land of snow and Ice
May 18th the group rate cabins will be gone,
so book your cabin now before the next dawn.
See the flyer on the right side under Forms for information on how to contact Kay and Al Foss for more information!

Clue #7

For number seven whom did we pick?
Follow the Guiding Star that is the trick.
The lighthouse and compass guide our way
At 7:30pm, Tuesday, the 15th of May.
We hope you can join us, it will be great
To see you there and help us celebrate.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Clue #6

Announcement number six, that’s where we are
Get ready to drive, just hop in your car.
The lighthouse and compass guide our way
The date for this announcement, Monday the 14th of May
A small college town, slightly west of Spokane
We want you to join us, we hope that you can!

Grand Esther for 2012-13

There was a great turnout at Cyclamen Chapter in Auburn as we announced Nancy Jorgensen as our Grand Esther. Her special escort is her husband Al. There were 3 past Grand Esther's in attendance - Jill Okicich, Lorna Burns, and Jean Lindburg. There were also several Past Grand Matrons and Patrons at the meeting. 

Skipper Gerry, Firstmate Bob, Gilligan Terry and MaryAnn Nancy had a little trouble with one of the Past Grand escorts - seems Darlene Wiggins really wanted to be the grand officer but we had to tell her we were sorry, but not this time!

A fun time was had by all and we appreciate the support. Rodger will put pictures on the blog - Thanks Rodger!

Stay tuned for the next announcement coming SOON!

Lighthouse Hugs to all,
Gerry Mosler
CLICK HERE for pictures!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Very Sad News

It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you of the passing of PGM Kit Wells early this morning with her beloved family by her side.

Services will be held May 17th at 11:00 a.m. at the:
Nile Shrine
6601 - 244th ST SW
Mount Lake Terrace WA 98043

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 6, 2012 - Inland Empire PDI Luncheon

The Inland Empire Past Deputy Club had their final meeting on Sunday.  They are merging with the IE PM & PP Club.  It was a wonderful meeting and everyone enjoyed the delicious lunch.

CLICK HERE for pictures!

May 4, 2012 - Eastside Chairman HN

The cows and all the other animals came to Rosalia High School to help honor Marita Bothman, Eastside Chairman of the Merry Mice Deputies.  What a fun time we had and what a great job Malden Chapter, led by WM Louise Belsby, did to provide some side splitting humor and some toe tapping music from the Shrine Jazz Band.    It was a very fun evening.

CLICK HERE for pictures!

Prayers Needed

Our dear Past Grand Matron Kit Wells and her family could really use your prayers right now!

Hands Across the Border - May 5, 2012

We had a great time at Hands Across the Border with our friends from Alberta, BC & Yukon, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and here in Washington.  We even had visitors from other jurisdictions and the place was packed!  The theme was "vintage glitz", the food was delicious and the entertainment - consisting of skits from the 6 jurisdictions - was fabulous.  It was exciting to hear the announcements for the next triennium and we look forward to great times with Bobbi and John.

CLICK HERE for pictures!

Repeat from post below:
Washington will be extremely well represented when our own Past Grand Patron John Grobler is installed as Most Worthy Grand Patron next year. At Hands Across the Border the following General Grand Chapter Officer and Committee Appointments were made:

Joy Lough, Worthy Grand Ruth
Brian Gross, Washington General Chairman
Marilyn Hoots, Washington Co - Chairman
J Paul Fitzsimmons, Finance Committee
Katie Glessing, Finance Committee
Bev Haave. Ambassador to Australia
Marge Ramsdell, Chairman – Support Our Service Men Committee
Dennis Okicich, Heart Committee
Marjoe Richards, Scottish Rite Committee
Ann Gates, Unfinished Business Committee
Tom Schenewerk, Benevolence Committee
Cheri Moll, Chairman of the Shrine Charities Committee
Roy Sharp, Alzheimer Committee
Barbara Grobler, Secretary for the Most Worthy Grand Patron

It was also very exciting to hear that Andrea Storjohann, Past Grand Matron of Idaho is running for the position of Right Worthy Associate Grand Conductress.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Clue #5

Almost half way done, we’re at number five
Don’t be dismayed as onward you drive
The lighthouse and compass guide our way
The 2nd Wednesday, May 9th, that is the day.
Down to the valley, south and east of Seattle
Sorry to say, on Hwy167 some traffic you might battle.
A lovely flower, the name of the chapter
Please come join us to see who we are after.

Ritual Competition

Calling all Volunteers and Participants!
Looking for judges and volunteers to help at the Ritual Competition at Grand

Chapter this year. Opportunities for judging ritual work, prompters and aides
to help with this fun competition. We are also looking for participants in the
Ritual Competition. Check your Ritual Application and choose a station to
compete at. Great prizes, a sense of satisfaction and pride are the results of
your efforts.
If interested please email Linda Burton, Chairman at hatasu2@hotmail.com or
mail your application to PO Box 254, Seahurst, WA 98062

DI HN Kim Norton, Analia - May 3rd

Analia Chapter had a blast honoring our own Merry Mice Deputy Instructor Kim Norton on Thursday night, May 3rd.  The meeting was fun, the entertainment - courtesy of her Jobie daughter and 2 of our other wonderful Jobies/Rainbow Girls - was frenetic, and the deserts were absolutely delightful.  Thanks to everyone who attended and to Marcia Beck and Sheila Shreve for chairing.

CLICK HERE for pictures!

General Grand Appointments

Wow!  Washington will be extremely well represented when our own Past Grand Patron John Grobler is installed as Most Worthy Grand Patron next year.  At Hands Across the Border the following General Grand Chapter Officer and Committee Appointments were made:

Joy Lough, Worthy Grand Ruth
Brian Gross, Washington General Chairman
Marilyn Hoots, Washington Co - Chairman
J Paul Fitzsimmons, Finance Committee
Katie Glessing, Finance Committee
Bev Haave. Ambassador to Australia
Marge Ramsdell, Chairman – Support Our Service Men Committee
Dennis Okicich, Heart Committee
Marjoe Richards, Scottish Rite Committee
Ann Gates, Unfinished Business Committee
Tom Schenewerk, Benevolence Committee
Cheri Moll, Chairman of the Shrine Charities Committee
Roy Sharp, Alzheimer Committee
Barbara Grobler, Secretary for the Most Worthy Grand Patron

It was also very exciting to hear that Andrea Storjohann, Past Grand Matron of Idaho is running for the position of Right Worthy Associate Grand Conductress.

We will be adding lots of pictures later, so stay tuned!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Grand Chapter Tours

This is to let members and guests know that we still have space available on the Grand Chapter Tour on Sunday June 24. Yes, we will be back in plenty of time to get ready for the Gala Banquet that evening. If you have visitors from outside of Washington they would be most welcome on the tour and we always have a great time. We have people from California, BC & Yukon, Pennsylvania and Washington already signed up. We still have room for more. Get your reservations in soon, you don’t want to miss the bus!

Diane & Charlie Rice, Grand Chapter Tours

Tote Bag Lost at Rainbow Mom & Dad Honor Event

"On Sunday, April 29, 2012, at the Rainbow Mom and Dad's Honor event, a white tote bag full of personal items with "Holland America" on it was mistakenly put into a dress or suit bag (in the rear pocket) that was hanging in the cloak room near the downstairs entrance of Alki Lodge in West Seattle. The personal items in the bag included an inhaler and other medicine, a pair of black shoes and other personal items. This happened before noon on Sunday.  If you find this tote bag in your suit/dress bag would you please contact John or Sue Adamson at 253-848-0977.  We can then make arrangements to retrieve it.  Thank You."


At Okanogan Chapter last night AGP Bob Breza and I, along with our escorts Terry and Nancy, were pleased to announce JoDee Desrosier as our Grand Marshal - the chapter room was filled, including 11 past Grand Marshal's.  JoDee's escort will be Bonnie Rail from Pine Tree Chapter (they were DI's together and have been good friends for many years),

Please stay tuned for the next announcement....coming soon!

Lighthouse Love to all of you,

Gerry Mosler, Associate Grand Matron

CLICK HERE for pictures!

NW Line Officer RSVP's due!!

This is to remind folks the cut off date for the NW Line Officers dinner reservations is May 7th.  We must have the dinner choices in by the afternoon of the 7th.  Folks are slow in responding to the RSVP's. 
If you have questions they can email (Janet Pitcher) at pitch318@comcast.net or call 360-380-0756.

Vida Chapter Luncheon & Entertainment

Vida Chapter is having a Luncheon and Entertainment on Saturday, May 26, at South Tacoma Masonic Hall, 5405 S. Puget Sound.  The Luncheon begins at 11:30 AM.  Tickets are $7.00.  This is being held prior to Lakewood Court's Amaranth Installation at 3:00 PM at the same location.  Come for lunch and then attend the installation.  Call or email Barbara Burleigh, Worthy Matron, at 253-223-4367 or bublz_44@yahoo.com for tickets.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DI HN this Thursday at Analia

Just wanted to let everyone know we are having a taco salad dinner for a donation at 6 pm prior to the honor night for our Merry Mice Deputy Instructor Kim Norton on Thursday, May 3rd.  Hope to see lots of you there.